Cajetan - Commentary on Being and Essence
Regular price $25.00Cajetan was a theologian, philosopher, master general of the Dominican order, and a counselor of Popes who lived during the Lutheran revolt. The writings of Cajetan are extensive, consisting of 157 works on theology, philosophy, & exegesis. In 1497, Cajetan was called by the Duke of Milan to teach theology at the University of Pavia. After two years, he left the University and spent the latter part of 1499 and all of 1500 at the convent in Milan. He became the procurator general of the Dominican Order in 1500. At this time, he went to Rome and engaged in public discourses and sermons before Popes Alexander VI and Julius II. In 1509, he was appointed vicar general of the Dominican order, and in 1510, at the age of 42, he became master general of the order. Pope Julius II appointed him Cardinal in 1517 and Cajetan took part in many important councils. In 1518, Leo X named him Legate to Germany in order to interest the Emperor and the Electors in a crusade against the Turks, as well as to receive submission from Luther. Cajetan failed in both attempts and is accused by some of having been imprudent and intolerant in his dealings with Luther. Cajetan returned from Germany in 1519 and was made Bishop of Gaeta. He was subsequently sent by Pope Adrian VI as Legate to Hungary, Bohemia, and Poland to unite these countries in a crusade against the Turks. In 1523, at the death of Adrian VI, Clement VII recalled Cajetan to Rome. Cajetan spent the rest of his life in study until his death on October 10, 1534. The Laurent edition of Cajetans commentary is based on a 1498 manuscript listed under Bibliotheca Vaticana, Stamp. Barberini, BBB II, 29. The commentary, dedicated to Benedict of Tyre, is thorough and complete and has as its primary purpose to combat the errors of Scotus and his follower at the University of Padua, Anthony Trombeta. From the translators introduction.
Author: Lottie H. Kendzierski, Francis C. Wade
Binding: Paperback