Renovatio: Suffering as Surrender
Regular price $14.95In the Vol. 4, No. 1 issue of Renovatio, our writers — from Muslim theologians, to Christian philosophers (past and present), to liberal artists — seek to explore and understand the link between suffering and submission to the reality of God’s existence.
Table of Contents
A Dangerous Schooling
Only when a person suffers and wills to learn from what he suffers does he come to know something about himself and about his relationship to God.
Søren Kierkegaard
On Migrating To Lands of Melancholy
Those who migrate for worldly gain are likely to be miserably assimilated and crushed, while those whose intention is noble, who are willing to see and understand and heal, can serve a redemptive purpose.
Abdal Hakim Murad
King Lear and the Beatitudes
Does the eternal horizon of reward help us more fully understand Lear's suffering and subsequent transformation in Shakespeare's tragedy?
Scott F. Crider
How to Climb The Seven - Story Mountain
Classics by Marcus Aurelius and Farid al-Din Attar, a thousand years apart, illustrate the spiritual journey.
John Walbridge
The Freedom of Self-Sacrifice
Can we rediscover the ancient roots of moral action in the late-modern twilight of free will?
Mark Damien Delp
Myths Versus Novels
If myths and novels belong to different categories, do the fictional beings that reside in each have essential natures that make different demands of us, the consumers of imaginative works?
Eva Brann
Suffering As Surrender
If we are righteous, pious servants of the Merciful and steward well our lives but still are stricken with calamities, then these are trials from God and we must surrender to Him.
Hamza Yusuf
The Only Real Solitude
Solitude calls to mind experiences that differ widely, from the pain of isolation to the freedom of self-reliance. How then should we understand the nature of being alone?
Stephen A. Gregg
From Humanistic to Mechanistic Economics—and Back?
Implementing moral ideals in corporate settings necessarily requires us to dismiss the materialist pretensions of economics.
Claus Dierksmeier
Conversing with One’s Self
As individuals, we must all face and absorb pain, but could a regular habit of personal writing help nullify or transmute our experience of suffering?
Sarah Barnette