Renovatio: What Dignity Requires of Us
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What Pico Thought—and What It Wrought
In grounding the dignity of man in his potential to be whatever he desires to be, this fifteenth-century Italian prince and philosopher gave rise to the modern secular worldview that privileges self-actualization above all else.
Esmé L. K. Partridge
Dignity Is for the Heart, Not the Ego
Contrary to its usage in today’s public discourse, dignity is not something all humans universally have, but something that everyone must do.
Caner K. Dagli
Alchemy, Mythology, and Artificial Intelligence
Where ancient priests used ritual to draw down a god to invest dead matter with powers for good or ill, modern science fantasists see the soul as a mere computer program and seek eternal life not in heaven or some cryonic vat but as computer software.
Lenn E. Goodman
The Untold Stories of Enslaved African Muslim Women in the Americas
Among the enslaved Africans in the Americas, Muslim men have garnered significant attention. But historical records can provide a glimpse into the lives of the forgotten ones: enslaved Muslim women.
Sylviane A. Diouf
Sing of Wrath
As a starting point for Euro-American literature, the Iliad compels us to consider why our literary tradition begins with wrath. Have we brought a curse upon
ourselves by starting this way?
Stephen A. Gregg
Malice in Wonderland: Through the Looking Glass into a Strange New World
A Renovatio public conversation about the modern self examines both the philosophical origins and the impact of the subversive sexual revolution we are witnessing today.
Carl R. Trueman and Hamza Yusuf
How the Law of Love Could Govern Our Hatreds
The love command implies a duty to believe in the possibility of goodness for others—even when we see no evidence of the good in a person’s character or actions.
Diana Fritz Cates
Transgenderism and the Violation of Our Angelic Nature
The reconstitution of the human being in accordance with the dictates of tacit or explicit renderings of materialism set in motion a radical rethink of traditional concepts about gender, sexuality, and family.
Hasan Spiker
What Walking Can Do for Our Souls
The significance of walking in the Islamic tradition, both as a prelude to and as a part of prayer, provides the ground on which to explore the riches of rootedness as a divinely endowed gift unto human beings.
Hina Khalid
A Macbeth Soliloquy
What can we glean from how Shakespeare wrote it and how Denzel Washington performed it?
Scott F. Crider
“Saying Yes to Life in Spite of Everything”
Dignity serves both as a lynchpin for moral condemnations of suicide and euthanasia as well as a justification for medical assistance for dying. How can we clarify what
dignity demands in relation to suicide?
Joshua Lee Harris