Renovatio - "And God Calls to the Abode of Peace"
Renovatio - "And God Calls to the Abode of Peace"

Renovatio - "And God Calls to the Abode of Peace"

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In Renovatio's Fall 2024 edition, "And God Calls to the Abode of Peace," we present essays that help us understand and navigate the rising militarism and disorder that our world suffers from today. Several contributions take a hard look at the manifold problems of nationalism—from its similarities to and differences from religion, to its rejection by a key figure in modern Islamic philosophy, to its indisputable and continuing role in the tragic conflict that plagues the contemporary Middle East. Other essays offer a way forward: the role of mercy is discussed from the vantage of those with authority; two of the ancient world's literary luminaries explain the path of transcending anger; and music's role in the harmony of society is considered. Renovatio's writers provide original thinking grounded in faith and scholarship, allowing us to learn how the knowledge and wisdom in our respective traditions can restore our world to a more balanced and harmonious state.


Table of Contents

Nationalism as Idolatry

The problems with nationalism do not disappear when “religious” nationalism gives way to “secular” nationalism, because nationalism itself is a kind of religion.

William T. Cavanaugh

The Misunderstood Muhammad Iqbal

We remember the poet-philosopher as the spiritual father of the nation-state of Pakistan, which is a curious inheritance given he was a fervent critic of nationalism.

Hina Khalid

Music and the Decline of Civilization

Both Greek and Chinese traditions see the abandonment of musical laws as calamitous for the common good.

Esmé L. K. Partridge

Islamic Science and the West: A Case of Collective Amnesia

Significant knowledge transfers from Muslim societies to European ones were pervasive— and remain largely ignored in mainstream historiography.

Jonathan Lyons

The Imaginary Narrative Distorting the History of Palestine

A conversation about the forgotten colonial context that helps us understand the tragic conflict in the Middle East.

Khalid Yahya Blankinship and Hamza Yusuf

Rumi and Shakespeare: On Forgiveness and Reconciliation

Two of humanity’s greatest literary masters show a particular interest in how seemingly intractable conflicts can be resolved through forms of reconciliation.

Juan Cole

Can a State Have a Moral Right to Exist?

It is often claimed as a self-evident premise that existing states have a presumptive right to exist. But this is a premise democrats must reject.

Andrew F. March

The Exclusivist Logic of Nationalism

Unlike general human logic, which requires one to examine all sides of a question, nationalist logic is concerned with the interests of only a given group.

Khalid Yahya Blankinship

Antigone and the Conflict of Mercy and Justice

How might our sympathies shift if we read Sophocles’s play from the perspective of the one responsible for the well-being of a community?

John Walbridge

What Muslims Should Know about Intellectual Conservatism

The conservative tradition contains the West’s richest resources for building a stable commitment to religious freedom that does not slide into relativistic nihilism.

Jacob Williams 

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