Framed Calligraphic Panel - al-Fatiha Leaf from the Shah Tahmasp Quran
Regular price $130.00Beautifully illuminated in lapis blue and gold, this beautiful Quran is written in muhaqqaq and naskh scripts, with incidentals in thulth. It is a royal commission most likely for Shah Tahmaspthe.
This opening text spread of this particular folio contains the seven verses of Surah al-Fatiha (The Opening) which rests in the center of the panel under the chapter name. It translates to:
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful. Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, the Compassionate, the Merciful, Master of the Day of Judgment. Thee we worship and from Thee we seek help. Guide us upon the straight path, the path of those whom Thou hast blessed, not of those who incur wrath, nor of those who are astray.
The Fatiha has been given the title Umm al-kitab, “Mother of the Book” and “The Mother of the Quran”, a reference to its containing the meaning of the entire Quran. Other titles are “The Seven Oft- Repeated” (al-saba al-mathani); “The Cure” (al- Shifa), because it is said to have healing powers for both body and soul; and “The Foundation” (al-Asas ), because it serves as a foundation for the whole of the Quran. It is also known as Surat al-Hamd, “The Chapter of Praise,” and Surat al-Salah, “The Chapter of the Prayer” since it is recited at the beginning of each cycle of prayer by Sunnis and Shiites.
The head and foot-pieces of the composition consist of framed hadith texts in oblong cartouches in gold on blue. One hadith referenced is:
القرآن شافع مشفع، وماحل مصدق من جعله أمامه قاده إلى الجنة ومن جعله خلف ظهره ساقه إلى النار
“The Quran is either an intercessor or a witness against one. Whoever makes it his leader, it will guide him to Paradise. And whosoever puts it behind his back, it will lead him to Hell.”
· Country of Origin: Iran
· Time Period: 1552 CE
· Artist: Commissioned by Shah Tahmasp
· Size: Approximately 46 x 34 cm (including frame)
· Print: High-quality matte print and detail finishings
· Frame: Wood frame with a gold finish